
What are the Best Vitamins for ADHD?

What are the Best Vitamins for ADHD?

Modern science and homeopathic medicine at least agree that many types of illnesses such as cardiovascular problems and obesity require a holistic treatment. It’s not just about what medicines you can swallow. Often it’s also about changing your lifestyle and your diet. And when it comes to ADHD, the diet you take (or give to your children) counts for a lot in helping you and them. And that means you need to make sure you get your vitamins for ADHD.

ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, and it is one of the most common disorders among children. In fact, it is so common that some experts have started thinking that it is over-diagnosed and children are being over-medicated.

Most ADHD experts propose a diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables, along with complex carbohydrates and lean protein. But often this diet is followed religiously, and people with ADHD may not get the micronutrients they need to help cope with their condition. It’s vitally important that people with ADHD get the vitamins and minerals they need.

That these vitamins and minerals are required is no longer just a safe assumption. One study undertaken in New Zealand tested two groups of unmedicated ADHD patients. One group was given multivitamin and mineral supplements while the other group received only placebos. After about two months, the vitamin and mineral group demonstrated considerable improvements for common ADHD symptoms like inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity.

But what kind of vitamins and minerals are we talking about? Here are some of the micronutrients you need if you or someone in your family has ADHD:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

It’s been shown in some studies that the omega-3 found in fish oil and in fish like salmon, tuna, and sardines is good for attention deficit and overall brain health. The omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA) stimulate the brain and nerve function. For those with ADHD, this means it can help improve symptoms such as hyperactivity and inability to focus.Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Most ADHD patients these days are prescribed Ritalin or Adderall, but these drugs function much like amphetamines. They also cause some serious side effects as well. But omega-3 fatty acids are safe and don’t cause side effects, and they are about 40% as effective as the prescription stimulants in relieving the ADHD symptoms.

Younger children with ADHD should get between 1000 to 1500 mg of omega-3 a day. Older children should go for 2000 to 2500 mg a day.


Before anything else, you may want to discuss the matter with your doctor if you’re contemplating taking iron supplements. You’ll need to check your real iron levels and see how much iron you lack. That’s because high iron levels may be unsafe for your health. It’s for this reason that many health experts recommend getting your iron only from your diet and not from supplements, because it’s too easy to take too much.

But in lower doses, iron can help you if you’re deficient. One test showed that when children who were not anemic but had low ferritin levels (ferritin is a protein you need so you can store iron in your blood) took iron supplements, they showed improvements in ADHD symptoms after 12 weeks.

The reason for this perhaps is because iron is crucial for dopamine production. Children with ADHD often have lower dopamine levels than those without attention deficit disorders. It’s why Ritalin, Adderall, and amphetamines work. These drugs improve dopamine levels.


The body uses magnesium to produce neurotransmitters you use for attention and concentration. Magnesium also has a calming effect on the brain, and healthy levels of magnesium can help people relax. This is a big deal for those with ADHD, since relaxation and sleep can be hard to achieve when people are hyperactive. A few studies have indicated that magnesium supplements can decrease the severity of some ADHD symptoms.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has been credited with a lot of benefits for people, and now it is also being touted as a micronutrient for the treatment of ADHD. It’s also one of the nutrients needed by the brain to create neurotransmitters like dopamine, which affect attention and alertness.

It’s best to get your vitamin C from the diet, but if that’s not possible because of a limited diet then daily vitamin C supplements can work. Just don’t take your vitamin C supplement within an hour (before and after) of taking your ADHD meds. The vitamin C can prevent your system from absorbing your medication.

Vitamin B6

This is another one of the vitamins for ADHD which should be part of your diet, and if you can’t get it from your food then supplements should do. A vitamin B6 deficiency can cause fatigue and irritability.


Zinc deficiency has been linked to ADHD in children by some studies. This deficiency may be causing greater impulsiveness and hyperactivity, and zinc supplements may alleviate or decrease the severity of those particular ADHD symptoms.

But like iron, high levels of zinc can be dangerous for your health. It’s best that you first get your zinc level checked by your doctor to see if you are actually deficient. For children with ADHD, about 20 mg in zinc supplements should suffice.


Protein is crucial for boosting focus and attentiveness. If you or your child with ADHD iProteins: Egg and Hams a picky eater or doesn’t eat a lot of high-protein dishes, then a protein-powder shake can help compensate for the deficiency.

You may not want to just mix it with water, because protein drinks are notoriously “earthy” in taste. You may want to mix it in a juice or milk. The brand of protein powder should be checked for low sugar levels, and it should contain no preservatives or artificial flavors. These ingredients can increase hyperactivity in children with ADHD. Be careful to avoid GMO based soy protein as well as there is a great debate on potential problems with over consumption of soy.

Focus Formula

Aside from vitamins and minerals, you can also take natural ADHD supplements which can help attentiveness, focus, and concentration. Focus Formula is a prime example of an ADHD natural treatment you can take. It contains homeopathic remedies for ADHD which do not cause side effects.

It may be a stretch to call all these vitamins and minerals natural cures for ADHD. But they can undoubtedly help. By taking vitamins for ADHD, you can at least help alleviate the symptoms, strengthen the immune system and achieve an overall better state of health.